Autumn is without doubt my favourite time of year; it is a time of new beginnings, pregnant with possibilities. Autumn days are those filled with crisp air, crunchy leaves, foraging, candles, Samhain, bonfire night, stick-to-your ribs warming foods, cosiness and of course, the commencement of the new academic year in the U.K.
Such a special time of year deserves special attention and we should mark the season’s changes with observances that celebrate and honour the magnificence of natures bounty at this time of year. We should undertake activities that connect us to people and the earth, to ensure that come the onset of Winter we feel shored up and content.
This year, more than any other I feel the joyousness of the coming season and have put together a list of things I want to undertake to fully celebrate the it.
My Autumn Bucket List
In no particular order……..
- Decorate the house with autumnal décor
- Create a cosy autumn reading list
- Thrift an autumnal wardrobe
- Bake a pumpkin pie
- Forage for sloes & make sloe gin
- Collect and press fallen leaves
- Plant up pots with autumn colour
- Go to a pumpkin patch and pick a pumpkin
- Go on a forest walk and picnic
- Do a spooky photo shoot
- Create a cosy rainy day viewing list
- Make home made candles for winter & Christmas
- Make edible elderberry goodies
- Go on a road trip
- Plant bulbs for spring
- Go book shopping and then spend the afternoon in a coffee shop reading
- Make and send out autumn note cards to friends and family
- Wuther on the Yorkshire Moors near Haworth a la Kate Bush
- Visit a haunted house
- Meditate in and on nature
With Love
Stella x