Today as a part of our Holistic Glow-Up i’m going to invite you to create a vision board. This may be a familiar practise for those already conversant with “The Secret” and the Law of attraction. For those new to this idea I here cite the philosopher and author, Bob Proctor: “The Secret gives you anything you want: happiness, health and wealth.” The premise is that whatever you want should be asked for in the affirmative “I want abundant health” because when you ask in the negative “I don’t want to be ill” the universe doesn’t hear the ‘don’t’ and proliferates the poor health.
Even if you are a sceptic and don’t believe in the law of attraction there is scientific evidence demonstrating that those who create vision boards tend to be successful at fulfilling there dreams and ambitions by the virtue of being confronted by their board regularly; ergo receiving a daily reminder of what they are striving for. The reminder motivates.
The things you will need for this project are: a piece of paper – the size is up to you-, scissors, images and quotes that really resonate and inspire you, glue, paper (to write quotes and the purpose of your board on) and pens.
I like the idea that if I put something out there into the universe in a positive way, the thing I need will come to me. Personally I have no interest in using the law of attraction to gather material things to myself but many people do and seemingly with great success. The theme of your board therefore, is entirely up to you. The images you choose may relate to the home and lifestyle you would like, to finding the perfect partner or success at work……you get the drift.
Once you have all the materials for the board have a play about with the images and find an arrangement that is pleasing and inspiring and start cutting and gluing. Be sure to include something handwritten, whether that be a quote, an affirmation or a positive statement outlining the purpose of the board i.e I feel happy and have abundant health. I feel that something handwritten in addition to any printed quotes you may have is a direct statement of intent, it is an active act.
Below is a quick hyperlapse video of the process I used for my health and well being board. When you board is complete place it where you will see it daily and take time to look and reaffirm what you wish to receive.
I know there will be those who think “what is she on about, has she gone mad?” Perhaps I have, but I leave you with the wisdom of Kate Bush commenting in her song ‘Strange Phenomena’ on the occurrence of deja vu, synchronicity and by extension the law of attraction. A great many of us will have experienced the events she describes and who is to say how these events come about: coincidence? Manifestation? Well; that’s entirely up to you.
Strange Phenomena
Soon it will be the phase of the moon
When people tune in.
Every girl knows about the punctual blues
But who’s to know the power behind our moves?
A day of coincidence with the radio
And a word that won’t go away.
We know what they’re all going to say.
“G” arrives–“Funny, had a feeling he was on his way!”
We raise our hats to the strange phenomena.
Soul-birds of a feather flock together.
We raise our hats to the hand a-moulding us.
Sure ’nuff, he has the answer
He has the answer
He has the answer, be-duh-be-duh-be-duh-be-duh…
“Om mani padme
Om mani padme
Om mani padme hum.”
You pick up a paper. You read a name.
You go out. It turns up again and again.
You bump into a friend you haven’t seen for a long time
Then into another you only thought about last night.
You hear your sister calling for you
But you don’t know where from.
You know there’s something wrong
But you don’t want to believe in a premonition.
We raise our hats to the strange phenomena.
Soul-birds of a feather flock together.
We raise our hats to the hand a-moulding us.
Sure ’nuff, he has the answer
He has the answer
He has the answer, be-duh-be-duh-be-duh-be-duh…
“Om mani padme
Om mani padme
Om mani padme hum.”
I am (an open minded) skeptic but the idea of a conscious universe is intriguing, I believe it also has support in mainstream circles. Anyway I’m so burdened with intentions and have taken so many steps along the road to Hell I might give this a try.
It never hurts to try something different; i’m much more open to trying things these days. The way I see it….it can’t hurt. I have been sceptical about a number of ‘new age’ treatments only to be completely surprised. It’s nice when that happens!